According to the Hebrew Bible, the ninth of God’s Ten Commandments instructs that no person shall bear false witness against their neighbor. In other words, you shouldn’t lie. All mainstream religions agree that lying is wrong. Sure, you don’t need to have faith in a higher power to understand that telling untruths is both foolish and immoral. There are many logical reasons to avoid telling lies. Here are a few of them:

1. Remembering your lies

How good do you think your memory is? If you tell somebody a lie, you have to be able to remember exactly what you told them. If ever you forget the lie you told, there is a chance that you’ll contradict yourself later on and subsequently get caught. You may even find you need to tell a second lie to avoid being found out for the first one. Telling numerous lies obviously means even more remembering. Before you know it, you may find yourself tangled in an intricate web of drama and deceit. Life is so much simpler when you endeavor to be straightforward and tell the truth.

2. Losing people’s trust

When you get caught lying, people tend to mistrust you from that point forward. If you lie habitually, people will become especially wary of you. There may come a point in time when nobody believes anything you have to say, even though you may actually be telling the truth. When someone mistrusts you, they are unlikely to want to be your friend or have a close relationship with you. Hence, the habitual liar is often a very lonely person.

3. A bad reputation

When people know you for a liar, your reputation is basically ruined. What’s more, it’s human nature to gossip, so news of your lies will quickly spread. Getting caught telling lies is embarrassing, and it makes you look like a light-headed person. You see when you tell a lie, you assume that you won’t be discovered. Hence, you presume that you’re smarter than the people around you. Only a liar underestimates other peoples’ intelligence. Do you really want others to think you’re a moron because of a lie you told?

4. It’s addictive

At first, lying can seem rewarding. When someone swallows a lie you’ve told and you get your own way, it can provide an addictive feeling of power. Because you got away with lying once, you may feel tempted to lie again to see what you can gain from it. Before you know it, you’ve told so many lies that it becomes difficult to remember exactly what you said, and that means extra stress. That’s when you start to realize that lying is the same as anything else addictive. There are negative consequences associated with it. Yet once you become hooked on lying, breaking the pattern can be difficult.

5. Legal ramifications

While telling the odd white lie is unlikely to get you into trouble with the law, more serious lies could. Perhaps you think you’d never tell one of those more serious lies. However, when someone gets into the habit of lying, it usually starts with small lies and slowly escalates. The lies you tell today might not get you into trouble with the law, but what about the bigger lies you may tell in the future?

6. Shattered relationships

How do you feel when you find out that somebody else has been lying to you? Most people feel rather angry when they discover they’ve been lied to. When the person that lied is someone that supposedly loves you, the lies can even cause emotional pain. Many loving relationships between good friends, family members and lovers have been completely ruined because of a lie told by one person to another. Is telling a lie worth the distress that it could cause the people around you? Is it worth losing a relationship that is valuable to you? Do you want the people who care about you today to dislike you tomorrow? These are questions you should seriously consider before telling a lie to someone you love.

7. Self-esteem

Telling a lot of lies doesn’t just have an impact on the way other people see you. It also has a detrimental effect on the way you see yourself. It is difficult to like the person you are when you dislike what you do. The more lies you tell, the less respect you will have for yourself. When you don’t believe in yourself, it’s more difficult to reach personal goals and objectives. It also makes it hard for other people to believe in you.

8. Losing your identity

Telling lies is often a complicated business. People will expect you to reflect the picture you have painted of yourself with the lies you have told. Suppose, for example, that you’ve lied about being wealthy and successful. The people who believed that lie would probably expect you to behave with a little class and decorum. Hence, when you regularly lie about who you are, you may find that you have to play a different part depending on who you are with at the time. Do you really want to live a life that involves playing different characters instead of just being your natural self? If you are constantly acting because of lies you’ve told, it’s easy to lose track of who you were originally.
If telling lies has made your life difficult, perhaps it is time to start telling the truth. Once you start telling the truth, you will find your life starts to become less complicated. Instead of worrying about a certain person discovering the lie you told, you’ll be able to focus on getting on with your life. Do you think lying is bad?


Many women wonder why their hair is not thick, healthy and shiny. The answer may be a combination of unexpected things. In an interview with renowned hair stylist Skaught Gibson and owner of Josephine Skaught Hairdressing Salon in Las Vegas, he said, “There are many ways that we are damaging our hair everyday without even knowing.” Here are his tips on getting and maintaining lustrous locks:

1. Wash only 2-3 times per week

Skaught states, “The first thing that most people are doing wrong is washing too often. Shampoos are great for removing dirt and product from your hair, but they are also removing everything good, like natural oils that the scalp produces to keep hair moisturized and healthy.”

2. Avoid heat

Gibson goes on to say that, “Washing every day leads to using products and blow drying every day, which breaks down the cuticle. If the cuticle is damaged from over-styling, the inner core is exposed which causes dryness, a lack of luster, and static.”

3. Shampoo only on the scalp

Gibson cautions, “Always remember to use shampoo in the scalp area only, and use conditioner through the middle and the ends.” Running shampoo down to the ends on the hair is unnecessary and can dry your locks out too much.

4. Rinse with cool water

“Rinsing your hair with cool water makes a big difference as well. Hot water opens the cuticle, causing it to look rough and dry, while cool water closes the cuticle down causing it to look shiny and smooth,” he advises.

5. Use dry shampoo for a quick pick me up

Skaught recommends, “If you feel like you get too oily too quickly there are some great hair powders and dry shampoos that are perfect for extending your blow-dry and keeping you feeling fresh and clean. We like our cleansers to lather and feel like they’re really doing something. Foaming detergents in shampoos are terrible for our scalp and hair, causing it to dry out and become brittle. Although it would be much better for our hair to be “washed” with one of the new non-foaming, detergent-free cleansers, I think that too many of us will have a hard time making the switch.” Give dry shampoo a try and see how it changes the consistency of your hair.

6. Brush sparingly

Gibson told us, “Over-brushing, especially with cheap brushes can also take its toll. Over-brushing causes too much consistent friction for the hair to handle, resulting in broken hair and split ends.” Brushing can also pull on the hair fibers and lead to weaker strands that are more likely to break off and appear dry and lackluster.

7. Let your hair down

Skaught says, “Ponytails and braids can also be quite damaging. When pulled into these styles too tightly on a daily basis, permanent damage can occur.”

8. Wait until your hair is dry to style

Gibson recommends waiting until the hair is completely dry to style. “Braiding or putting your hair in a ponytail while it’s wet is one of the easiest ways to damage your hair because it’s so much more fragile when it’s wet. It’s best to create these styles on dry hair and keep them as loose as possible,” he says.

9. Go natural

The easiest way to heal your hair is to avoid chemicals and coloring. Here’s what Skaught had to say: “Some of the more obvious ways we are damaging our hair is with chemical services and coloring. Over-processing hair can easily cause it to be brittle and dry instead of luxurious and shiny. If you aren’t trying to cover grey hair it is always best to go with a ‘deposit only’ or semi permanent color, as it is not as harsh and much less damaging.” Here’s what he recommends: “When coloring hair, avoid over-using bleach (most of the time less is more). Using deposit only or semi permanent color instead of permanent color will add conditioning agents and shine instead of taking it away.”

10. Look to your pantry

Gibson says that there are many all-natural ingredients that can work wonders on our hair. “There are all kinds of things hanging out right in our very own kitchens that we can use as different treatments in our hair. Styling products can build up in our hair leaving it dull and dehydrated, and our daily shampoo isn’t always able to extract that on its own. Dairy products like yogurt and sour cream are able to reverse that damage and restore hair to a beautiful and shiny state. The lactic acid in the dairy gently strips away dirt and product while the fat from the milk moisturizes. A sour cream or yogurt mask can be used up to twice a month. Gently massage about 1/2 cup of either one into your hair, let sit for 20 minutes, and rinse with cool water.”

11. Use beer

No, not to drink. Skaught recommends them for your tresses. “Flat beer is great for plumping up tresses and adding volume and shine because of the abundance of yeast. Let beer sit out at room temperature for a few hours to deplete carbonation. Wash hair as normal and use the beer as a conditioner for about 15 minutes, followed by a cool rinse,” he says.

12. Avoid hot tools

The effects of overheating our hair can be extremely damaging. “Cut down the use of hot tools such as blowdryers and flat irons. When you are using these tools set them to lower heat settings and make sure you are using a pre-styling product that has heat protection,” he encourages.
If you’re concerned about your hair health. Go see a professional for an individual consultation. Make sure you are getting a trim or cut regularly to avoid split ends and to keep the hair bouncy and healthy. Do you have any tips you’d like to share that help keep your hair healthy and smooth? Please comment below.


If you’ve never dated a shy guy you may think that it’s rather problematic or disadvantageous. Indeed, most girls prefer dating confident men who arouse the feeling of safety and reliability. However, dating a confident man is sometimes even more problematic and challenging than you may think. On the contrary, dating a shy guy offers many unexpected benefits. Here are 8 undeniable reasons you should try dating a shy guy.

1. Shy guys don’t dominate conversations

It’s believed that girls tend to talk much more than guys. However, sometimes a confident guy may go too far boasting about how splendid he is. It’s great when a guy can arouse your interests with his talks or make you laugh. But every now and then you need a person that can just keep silent and listen to you. When dating a shy guy you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, talk about your life and just chatter. Be sure, a shy guy will catch everything you say since he wants to know your personality.

2. Shy guys are more genuine

Confident guys are always confident about their words, but sometimes they may be too superficial. They often say something just to please you, even if they don’t think so. When dating a confident man I’ve experienced many cases of untruth. However, a shy man will never act artificially. His words always correspond to his thoughts and you can be sure that your shy guy means exactly what he says. Indeed, it’s a good reason to date a shy guy!

3. The challenge

Confident guys are rather fast to share their feelings, thoughts and plans with you. Shy guys, however, aren’t so talkative and most probably you’ll have to make great efforts to get along with him. You’ll have to invent various ways to get him talk to you and you’ll be the initiator of your conversations. He won’t bother you with annoying questions and you will always know that whenever he’s talking to you, he’s sincere and his words are meaningful.

4. Shy guys are less intimidating

A man’s confidence is like a magnet for girls, that’s why confident guys are highly popular with the opposite sex. They are confident to the point that many girls feel uneasy beside them. Shy guys, however, aren’t so intimidating. They’re more accurate with their behavior and even if they decide to reject you, they’ll do it in a very polite manner. Shy guys make great husbands, by the way!

5. Shy guys are good listeners

Shy guys rarely start talking first, thus they’ll never control a conversation. However, they will always listen to you no matter how much you’ll be talking. They’re very attentive and they will remember every word you’ll say. You know that talking to a person who really listens to you and cares is one of the most pleasant things ever. But it works both ways. You also should be a good listener to carry on a good conversation.6. It’s easy to put them to the blush
What I love most about shy guys is that they can blush so quickly and easily! An intent glance, an accidental touch and a compliment are sure ways to make him red-cheeked. However, don’t try to make him shy on purpose; it can make him feel uneasy and reserved. Whenever you want to compliment him, try to be very tactful and delicate. Shy guys are overly sensitive, so think twice before telling something offensive.

7. They are more attentive

I don’t mean that all shy guys are irrevocably attentive; however from my experience I can acknowledge that shy guys generally display more attentiveness. They don’t scatter their attention on trifles and they always consider your feelings. Chances are that a shy guy will intuitively feel your mood and well-being. The greatest advantage of dating a shy guy is that he’ll appreciate your inner beauty as well as your physical appearance.

8. A shy guy won’t cheat on you

Unfortunately, confident guys prove to be less faithful and they’re more likely to cheat on their beloved. A shy guy will never cheat on you. Once he makes his mind to be with you, he’ll be loyal and firm in his choice. He knows perfectly well that you don’t deserve such an attitude and even if you have a breakdown in your relationship, he’ll prefer to talk to you about it. This is really one of the best benefits of dating a shy guy.
Now you see that shy guys shouldn’t be ignored at all! Dating a shy guy is all about advantages and these are only a few of them. If you want an attentive, careful person, dating a shy guy is definitely a right idea. Have you ever dated a shy guy? Do you believe that shy guys make good husbands? Share your thoughts with us, please.


Well, girls and boys often wonder who is the smartest,
Boys usually will answer : boys.
Same thing will do girls too.
But these photo will give more advantage
for girls to be smarter then mens.
Anyway, it's just one battle, not the whole war.

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